Tuesday, February 19, 2008

An Exploration of Suffering and Faith- part 2

Just read an editorial that reads more like a book review about Jim Wallis, a crusader for social justice, author of "The Great Awakening", and a recent guest on Jon Stewart's The Daily Show.

You can read it here:
Chris Satullo: Religious Right gives way to a new prophet Philadelphia Inquirer 02/19/2008*

He talks about how the 'religious right' is divisive, self-righteous and all wrong about what Jesus says.

A man of faith, Wallis wants us to respond to poverty, genocide, an unjust war and global warming, by unsettling our lives, and getting out of our cocoons:

"You act your way into a new way of thinking, not think your way into a new way of acting.

I'm not sure that I'd agree with everything that he believes or says, but I have to say that the guy makes an awful lot of sense.

My favorite quote from the article...

"The two great hungers in our world today are the hunger for spirituality and the hunger for social justice. People don't want to go left or right; they want to go deeper."

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