Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Gift

Photo from

A precious gift kept inside, tucked away safe from prying eyes. Our heart's desire lies within, waiting for us to open to it.

The Solstice gifts are many; light returns, the dreamer awakes, the spark is created,the seedlings are planted.

Through this turning of the wheel, we will sleep, and create, and nurture. Tonight we open our hearts to the dream within. We have come here to recognize in ourselves and one another, the desire that birthed us into this world.

Together, we build the circle of love necessary to bring a heart's desire to fruition. Each heart in unison, in service; to ourselves and to one another.

So tell me, what does the chamber of your heartspace ask of you? What are you willing to reveal? What gift do you carry? And most importantly, are you ready to unwrap it?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Entering the Heartspace

I spent some time this morning looking at some of my old notes from 2006 to the present, and reviewing some written information I'd received earlier this year from Nigel Taylor, Elizabeth Frediani, Tom Cowan, and Victoria Pendragon.

And today, I could see so clearly what I'd been circling around and yet still missing; all the truth lies in the heart. That's the heart-space, or heart-center...not the physical heart. So simple a place to be, and yet the space that scares us the most to enter and stay present within. It's the space where you can see whether or not you are coming from love, or from fear. Where faith, trust and 'the presence' are found.

Nigel Taylor speaks of a "closed loop" of the mind. Not just the mind, but of consciousness. And the way consciousness is bandied about by those on the path is still, ultimately, a product of the mind. There is an expectation of a critical mass of humanity, using new and exciting body/mind technologies, leaping to a new level of being by finding the courage and wisdom to overcome the problems we face. But can true solutions come from the same consciousness that produced them?

In the Dreamer's own words "It is not about changing the mind, it is about opening to love. There must be a discipline to rise above the mind and unleash the power of the heart through Pure Love."

In my work and my path, I have been brought to this point. Consciousness without a concurrent opening of the heart center is just another level of the mind. And there can be no true healing without being in a space of love.

The people who have come to recover this information and (re)teach it are all carrying the same message, regardless of race, religion, spirituality or belief system. This embodied wisdom has been lost within nearly every religion. Nigel Taylor is one of them. So is the Dalai Lama, though many of his followers are stuck within the trap of consciousness. Elizabeth Frediani has a book coming out next month, "Where Body Meets Soul", which contains simple exercises to assist you to find and be within the sacred heart center.

The ability to move beyond our stories and into the sacred heart center propels the awakened soul to become a shapeshifter of the Divine Mystery. To, in essence, become the God essence that we all search for. It is from this presence that we evoke love, peace, truth, compassion, and delve into the sacred recesses of ancient wisdom.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Insight and Revelation

You are walking the walk. It just isn't a straight path. Our life challenges spiral back around again and again so we can face them from a slightly more conscious place each time.
--Deborah King

I often see you in my dreams...
the only reality in which you appear, now.
Again, early this morning, we were friends.

You and I, walking and talking,
arm in arm, whispering quietly,
privately, happily, confiding our secrets.

We strolled through town, at first in a big city,
then in a smaller one, unfamiliar to me.
Through a concrete gray landscape,
and then a quiet neighborhood.

You wanted a picture to remember me by,
knowing how I hate myself in photos.
You arranged for me to meet a tiny Samoan woman.
You were on one side, me on the other.
Then, a Chinese mother came forward,
and snapped the photo.
You'd tricked me!

I was wearing a beautiful, white flowing shirt...
one you'd picked out and gifted to me.
I told you I wanted to be in black, instead.

Then I saw a studio,
with a real photographer.
I explained my needing to look a certain way;
to appear just so.

I would give you my likeness,
but only in a certain way;
the way I was comfortable...
wearing my mask.

You stared at me blankly.
That was not what you wanted.
You wanted to see me,
warts and all.

It dawned on me just then...
I wanted to give you what you wanted.
In my desire to please you at that moment,
I was able to recognize my own foolish pride.

I watched you do your layouts,
and design work on the computer.
I sat with you, and asked you to help.
Could you assist me in posting a photo?

As I watched you work your magic,
it all became clear, suddenly.
It was time to reveal myself,
fully and without any mask, or make-up.

People have been fine with me as I am,
for the most part.
They do see me for who I plain sight.
It was I that couldn't face myself.

I couldn't look at myself without cringing.
I judged myself unworthy, unlovable.
Not able to see a simple image of me,
unvarnished, without disguise. I get the picture.
I was so afraid to reveal myself, my likeness.
Terrified to relive my own harsh judgment.

But I'm ready now, to face the truth,
to be seen exactly as I am.
Whole, glowing, free.

Perhaps when we next meet,
unfettered and free,
full of the sweetness of life,
I will be flying.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Why I Love Joss Whedon

An interview by MoJo Blog where Joss discusses "womb envy", how he loves feminists and why he cleared his new series Dollhouse with the women from 'Equality Now'.

Joss Whedon is a man who 'gets' it. May there be hundreds of thousands more to follow!