Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Woman Without Compassion

What a difference a day makes. It appears I wasn't the only one busy trying to put the word out about Gov. Sarah Palin. In 24 little hours, the picture that has emerged isn't pretty if you are a fan of women's rights, a believer in evolution, a defender of animal rights, or planetary resources. All these things, this web of life, our Mother Earth, my animistic philosophy, and social justice are the most important things to me.

I'm a member of at least 5 organizations that have contacted me with horrifying information that even I didn't find yesterday; NARAL, Planned Parenthood, NRDC,, Defenders of Wildlife. I didn't put it together that Governor Palin was the one who reorganized the aerial killings of the wolves in AK. I can't comprehend how a woman could do that.

I'm truly stunned that anyone could claim to be a creationist, and not believe that the spirit of God dwells within every living creature and organism. Claim to believe in the right-to-life, except for a mother with a critical decision to make, her life or her baby's. A self-proclaimed feminist who is all for limiting a woman's right to plan (or not) to have a family. She's pro-life? Who's exactly?

She is exactly the type of woman I'm most frightened who is completely run by ego and ambition, extreme enough to limit the rights of her own sex, even in cases of rape and incest. She wants to mandate compassion for others, while not actually having to go there herself. She is the embodiment of all the classic and colossal hypocrisy of the far-right extremists. What about the special needs child she had within the last year? Is she going to drag an infant around with her on the campaign trail? Is she really pro-life? Or just pro-Palin?

What this Presidential race is shaping up to be, for me, is a referendum on the truth of Oneness and compassion. Who will be able to find the openness and generosity of heart necessary to understand that each of us is inextricably connected to not only each other, but to the very Earth itself? Which mindset will stir the hearts and minds of America in November? Where will you put your energy (no pun intended)?

Can we really afford 4 more years?


Anonymous said...

Brava my friend! I can't believe she and McCain are using special needs children as a ploy to get a sympathetic vote. Palin screaming “I will be your advocate in the Whitehouse” and McCain on the side of Autism. All I can say is MY ASS. In my humble opinion, McCain saw a woman with a special needs child and picked her without researching her record. He thought he hit the payload. HA! Obama’s campaign from the beginning supported people with disabilities. McCain even now has nothing on his site with a plan for these wonderful people. Palin will get the best education for her child while our kids will still fight to get a decent education and services. There were tons of Moms proudly displaying their signs Special needs Mom's for McCain/ Palin. Well, this special needs mom is for Obama! I see beyond her ploys. Quite frankly… her son is 5 months old with Downs. I have a 13 yr, old with Downs. She has no clue!

Oh, don't get me started on the wolves. ~Elise

Alyce Walker said...


Thank you so much for posting! I think that your opinion is one many more mothers need to hear.

I thank you again for sending the link to the AK budget for special needs school funding, which she slashed by over 60%.

I haven't had a chance to post them yet, but they'll go up today. I did send them to my brother and sister-in-law, since my nephew depends on this funding, as well.

Budgets (all pdfs) here:
FY 2007 (pre-Palin)
FY 2008
FY 2009

It's important for those of us who understand what the truth is to hold it, speak it, dream into it.

Much love to you, my friend.