Friday, January 11, 2008

Strength and Equality

This is the most amazing speech I've heard in a very long time. It touched my heart, and runs about 8 minutes. If you have the time, please, do a great service to yourself and watch a man who is creatively working to bring balance to the feminine and masculine on this planet.

Many thanks to Joss Whedon for this heartfelt and eloquent speech for Equality Now. For honoring strong women, appreciating and loving his mother so much, and for delighting me year after year with his kick-ass, bad-ass and emotionally vulnerable (read:strong) female characters.

Thanks also to my friend Diane for posting this yesterday, and for being as huge a fan of his work (Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Serenity, and the upcoming Wonder Woman) as I am.

Thanks Joss, for getting it.


Wraptures Spa said...

As I'm sure most people know, what we micks think of as
St. Brigid's cross" is nothing more than a pagan sunwheel. Just sayin.

Alyce Walker said...

Thanks for posting. But no, I'm not entirely sure what exactly you are saying. I'm not even sure you meant to reply to this particular post, since I can't recall Buffy using a Brighid's Cross to hold back any vampires. Though I do think Joss Whedon might have considered it had he thought of it while the show was still running. ;)

Care to declare yourself a little further?

Symbols, for me, are two-fold. They can represent something, and/or they can contain the actual energy of what they represent. It all depends on the focus and intention of the individual(s) who view them.

I often use symbols in my sessions to facilitate the placement, movement and release of energies. These might come from varied sources such as Shambhala Reiki, Nordic Runes, personal 'dreamtime' symbols, alchemical symbols, etc.

Any symbol can hold energy. Many hold collective energies, such as a crucifix or perhaps a Brighid's cross. They evoke a recognized response when seen.

Sometimes these symbols have been corrupted and coerced to represent an idea or energy they were never intended to convey.

I'm just sayin. ;)