Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Healing Prayer to Brighid

My friend Siobhan, who is helping me to do some deep (Northern Scots-Irish) ancestral clearing, sent this poem to me last night. It is so beautiful it made me cry.

Moving through this personal work, I understand better how the layers peel away over time, and that we can only do what we can till the next one is revealed. Ultimately, my struggle has been an intense fear of truly embracing my inner power due to deep soul/cellular memories of torture and death.

Last night as she held the flame and a prayer space for me, I lit my own Brighid candle...one she'd given me as a gift. I felt the divine presence of the Goddess with me throughout the night. Brighid spoke to me, comforted me, warmed me, held me. Just like a good mother would.

And I did a little light reading in between...;)

I wish for each of us this compassion and love to surround us as we continue to embrace the dark time until Brighid's day, four weeks from now.

Beannachtai go leir (blessings to all).

Healing Prayer to Brighid

I cry to the holiness of Brighid,
Fair and loving Goddess.
Who's face is beyond compare,
Who sweetly whispers in the ear.

I call onto the Fire Lady,
The Bright One shining true.
To set me at her burning forge,
And create me all a new.

I call onto the cunning wife,
Brighid's healing hands upon me.
Gently lead me through the flames,
Surround me in your light.

I call onto the Warrior, Breo-saighead,
With flaming arrows steadied.
To give me courage to face the foe,
And lead me through the dark.

I call unto the tender Brighid,
A Mother's child is in need.
Her arms embrace me,
Her fire heal me.

I cry onto the Holiness of Brighid,
Her hands above me,
Her hands below me,
Her hands surround me
Her healing fire within me
Her healing fire surrounds me
The healing of my soul,
The healing of my body,
The healing of the darkness,
The darkness into light,
The light of the flame,
The flame that brings healing,
The healing that brings wholeness,
The wholeness that is Brighid.


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