Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Dawning of Consciousness

I feel as if I've just woken up. Which I guess is literal and figurative at this moment. ;)

I've been doing some internal integration work over the past two weeks, after a major letting go, and shift in my life.

During this time, I've had many insights...dreams...intuitions. Some that I 'get' on a conceptual level, and others that have brought the true light of understanding. I would like to share some of these things here, now, and over the next week leading up to Imbolc. It seems no coincidence that the dawning light of realization is concurrent with the approach of Brighid's Day.

Imbolc (associated with the Goddess Brighid) is a turning on the pagan 'Wheel of the Year' opposite Lammas or Lughnassadh (associated with the God Lugh). I would like to mention them both here, to bring a better understanding of the connection between our thoughts, bodies and this time of the year. Imbolc celebrates the waxing of the light, the first 'quickening' of the seeds within the Earth, and Lammas the feast time, or harvesting the abundance brought forth from the Earth. Last year I was honored to be at a community gathering for Lughnassadh with Tom Cowan He called these two the "subtle" times, and that has stuck with me ever since.

During this "subtle" time is when we begin to notice it staying lighter a little longer each day, and I notice that each morning this 'light' brings it's own teaching.

Today it is this...

That the Dreamer is consciousness. But more than that, more than the mind (understanding and realization), it is the sacred truth of the oneness of love, the conscious heart at the center of this Oneness- born of the love of the Mother. That though there may appear to be multiple levels of this consciousness, there is only one. If there is perception and awareness within consciousness without the opening to love, that awareness becomes fragmented by ego (shadow) and separation is created.

For most of us, our personal reality is contained somewhere within this ego awareness, this separation. But many can also sense that there is something more contained within us, around us. This 'something more' is Oneness with the pure heart of consciousness, what Nigel Taylor calls the "heartspace". And this "heartspace" is a state of being, not a state of awareness.

The other realization this morning? That we are all full of shit. {grin}

Have a lovely day.

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