In my own life, I am trying to heal my womb, and this picture speaks deeply to me. I am exploring the different faces of the goddess each day in order to better understand and step into my own feminine power, rather than wielding my inner masculine power, which I was taught and mistakenly believed, was stronger. I grew up with a feminist mother whose own damaged mother crushed and repressed her feminine, so I had to learn from the beginning. And so began my healing journey to explore my matrilineal and ancestral wounding.
There tends to be, in our society, a distinct lack of understanding and appreciation of the principle energies of both sexes. I see both needing reverence rather than denigration. The honoring of the other is what I see missing in many relationships between the masculine and feminine (both within and without).
I believe that both men and women can become polarized due to our different understanding (or misunderstanding) of our own energies and a lack of acceptance of those that differ from our own truth and experience.
I see that religion and even many of the teachings of spirituality have been geared towards the masculine need for emptiness, which is not necessarily the best way for women to learn, because they come from and return to fullness. The void is not empty, but pregnant with possibility. I am learning this is in my quest for healing.
As my friend Michael Mantas put it, “I can see how [from the masculine perspective] it would be easy to believe that Nothingness is more valid that Somethingness (Womb).
For the Archetypal Masculine the Math of Spirituality is expressed as 0 + 0 = 0.
For the Archetypal Feminine the Math of Spirituality is expressed as 1 + 1 = 1.
One is rational, one is intuitive. But rational does not equal heartlessness, and intuition does not equal invalidity.”
As a result of my own explorations, and my own re-emerging feminine, I'm beginning a group of spiritual exploration and focus from the feminine perspective. It will begin as a women's group, but men who have come to a point of emptiness and wish to embrace their inner feminine might be included later, as well.
I don’t have an agenda other than calling forth and fully embracing our own divine feminine within. Exploring our feminine energy and gathering in support with a definite spiritual focus utilizing meditation, journeying and guided energetic practice techniques. This circle will begin meeting at my Doylestown office in late January or early February during the time of Imbolc or Brighid’s Day.
Because my own beliefs and healing work are earth based and influenced by lunar cycles, these will inform my facilitation. People of all faiths and belief systems are welcome. All I ask is that you come with an open mind, and an open heart.
Anyone interested can contact me by email at awalkerbtweenworlds@yahoo.com, fb message, or snail mail at Ascentuals 26 E. Swamp Rd Suite E, Doylestown PA 18901.
I LOVE this picture Alyce, and the idea for the group. If I was close by, I would participate for sure. This is an epic journey we are on, the return to the feminine. Early feminism was based upon a model of equality between men and women, where women became female versions of men, and further pushed away the inner feminine.
Thank you, my friend. For your understanding, and for sharing your own journey with me.
I think the early feminists saw and were addressing a definite inequality. But as you so rightly pointed out, this led us to embrace and cultivate the (perceived stronger) masculine power, rather than our own suppressed feminine power.
It is the presence (She) which is already here, waiting for us to call her back into being-ness.
Beautifully put, and so true! "It is the presence (She) which is already here, waiting for us to call her back into being-ness."
Why is it that we put so much less value on being than doing? I am addressing this in my life right now too!
Perhaps an online version as well? Although face-to-face feminine community is so important...
Your YES continue sot reverberate and echo through the whole Cosmic Womb, rebirth after rebirth after rebirth...
You are invoking a great and needed healing in the world and of the world. There is no greater gift the Feminine can give than to Love Herself. Feminism helped to build a strong ego for the Feminine. Now the Great Surrender must begin. You are a Cassandra in our world. Her voice. YES.
And a Mystic Sister in the world, and to me.
Better that you just try to become you without labeling genders as this or that. It is a myth that the masculine is "that" and the feminine is "this". It is a sexist myth. Think! You are saying in effect under a lot of obscuring language stuff like male energy is not soft - female energy is not hard... Sorry, but such blather ignores the continuum - the opposite ends of behavior being active and passive, not male or female. Feminists set us free from all this sexist stereotyping.
Whether you liked your mother's personality has nothing to do with feminist theory. Meaning there is some anger underneath all this male/female energy dichotomy thinking. Get at that in your journey to find you.
While I appreciate your comments and point of view, Greenconsciousness, it is my own journey within myself that I am exploring, and that does include my own inner masculine, feminine, active and passive. I'm not certain why you feel a need to direct me to look at it differently, or to guide my journey?
If you would like to share your own journey and how you came to the conclusions you did without criticizing my own heart-felt feelings and explorations as 'blather', I'd be happy to hold a space for that.
I do not believe feminists "set us free from sexist stereotyping" at all. It is not my experience in my own life, or in some of the women who will join me in this group, which is about going within, embracing and bringing forward ourselves as women in whatever way it moves us to do so.
It is through this personal and inter-personal experience that I hope to continue to learn and embrace my own opening in a supported and comfortable way.
I believe feminists did women a great service in bringing forward and addressing a power imbalance within our society. I don't necessarily see as effective an outcome as you seem to.
I am learning through the healing of wounded womb issues how this is for me, and there are emotions that go along with that, fear, rather than anger being the primary one.
Masculine and feminine are opposite ends on the continuum, and their coming together and moving past duality is a journey for me.
I am grateful to share my journey with those willing to listen and bring something of their own to the table. I tend not to see the critical observations of others as more valid than my own personal feelings and experiences, though I am willing to engage and explore differences.
Blessings to you on your own journey.
I feel a need to point out to you that identifying certain characteristics as male or female is oppressive because i have been oppressed by these labels, limited and oppressed in a patriarchal society. I find your use of gender labels oppressive. You are saying REAL women are this and not that. What does that make me ? It is not your personal journey when you publicly publish your assumptions about gender.
If you want to assign gender characteristics to males and females you can. I also can respond by saying those assumptions are false and a trap. They limit individuals to stereotypical behavior. Male defined gender acceptable behavior.
And those labels avoid deeper issues that are at the root of the dysfunction. This kind of sexist labeling causing individuals who cannot conform to gender stereotypes to mutilate their genitals so their natural inclinations conform with their genitalia.
Obviously we are living through a backward slide toward oppression based on gender. Living free is hard. Economically difficult. Many think gender slavery looks warm and secure. But no witch can accept slavery. You are an intelligent person. You are struggling with something. But is it necessary to label your mother's energy as masculine in order to be accepting of your own differences? or to resole them? Can't you see you are slandering her? Calling her a female version of a man rather than freely expressing her own active female energy? Which perhaps did not meet your needs or was abusive to you but done by a woman nevertheless. As a woman she is not allowed to be powerful or abusive in her own way without being called a man? Do you have any idea how this despicable labeling limited women and "put them back in their place"? And also is a lie about gender capabilities? No woman can be cruel? No women can be hard? Does that even get at the real nature of the wound?
So your choices, your words your attitudes, once the norm in the greater society and now the norm with lesbians and in the "Goddess" movement does affect my ability to be myself and express my energy without challenges to my gender authenticity. So it is not all personal and unconnected. Your reality and my reality affect each other ultimately.
"Being" is not what is criticized or devalued. We all prefer it. The inability to be self- sufficient is what is criticized. And it is difficult to be self sufficient without doing. Therefore Being when it results in economic dependency is viewed with suspicion by people who know the cost ultimately. If you are economically self-sufficient and independent, what is the criticism of being? Are you dull to yourself? People like plants seek growth? Maybe you cannot see your own growth unless you are doing.
BTW, I agree that fear underlies anger and is the primary emotional dysfunction. Oh yes. I struggle with fear --- and anger is a reaction to that fear which I obviously find more acceptable to express. It is a dilemma because sometimes it is helpful and those times are critical but most of the time it is inappropriate - actually both emotions are often inappropriate.
I think this woman speaks your lanuage better than I do and is dealing with the same things:
I don't recall labeling 'real' women as this, that or anything in particular. As I stated before, I speak only from my own experience.
My wanting to openly explore all of the aspects of my own femininity, whether those characteristics be hard, destructive, soft, passive, active etc, is my own goal and exploration; my process. Exploring, resolving and integrating both principles within myself is the path I'm following.
I don't think we speak a separate language, I think you read into what I have written and seem to find offense where none is offered.
If I have spent much of my life encased in one side (active/masculine) as opposed to cultivating the softer, more receptive aspect that has allowed a new opening for me, that is also my business, my personal experience and my journey.
And yes, as we are all co-creators of this world, I am one voice of truth within many. Each being brings forth their own truth, and it is in the hearing of each truth that we honor our interconnectedness and find our way of being.
I neither identify as a Goddess worshipper, a witch, a new-age priestess or a lesbian, though if I were I would be comfortable openly walking any of those paths.
I'm deeply sorry that you feel so oppressed by labels in your life, but I don't see where my being who I am offers a challenge to your gender authenticity or self-comfort. Only you can allow those challenges, I do not have that kind of power.
Blogs are both public and personal, and a great forum for opening discussion. But in order to open a dialogue, blame, offense, and a need to be "right" must be put to the side in order for constructive emotional connection and resolution to occur.
I have my own practitioners I do work with, and am vigilant in working my own healing process. I only hope that you, too are receiving assistance and support with your own life process.
Blessings and Peace,
OK Alyce
Peace between us. I do think we disagree but there are many paths to the Source and at the end only love is real. May we both come through and find joy in the process.
I thought of two more words to sustitute for gender if active/passive does not feel right. Initiating and Receptive.
Receptive is more what you mean I think than passive.
and yes - hard and soft
Dear Green,
Initiating and Receptive feels good.
I am glad for peace. My tenderness now is not only emotional, but I am only 12 days out from surgery. I'm using this time to heal and allow.
I'm planning am honoring for Brighid, who's flame I keep each 20 days, and whose path I have followed to awakened faith.
Please know whether we agree or not, I value that which you and others leave here.
As you say, everything comes back to love.
Soon, when sitting up is more comfortable, I will put some of my writings down again.
I too am glad for peace -- my mother died on Friday. Her wedding anniversary is on Imbolc which I call First Light. She has gone to dance with her husband again and could not wait to be with him for their anniversary. Only she knew she would be there from her dreams but she did not tell me. I am burying her on Tuesday, at First Light and sad to see her on her way despite our turbulent relationship. I am glad of the peace between you and I and wish you a speedy recovery.
My deepest sympathy on the loss of your mother.
Seems a gift for her to cross during the time of Imolg, First Light, the time of 'quickening'. I will have my candle lit in dedication and honor this eve and throughout tomorrow with all of the other keepers of the flame. I shall include you and your mother on my prayer list.
May you feel the light supporting and surrounding your spirit, and the fullness and connection of your being. May you have all that you need.
Blessings and Love,
Thank You Kind Heart
Perhaps another way to look at the masculine-feminine difference you are saying is between emptiness and somethingness is to realize what the buddhists mean when they say emptiness and form are inseparable. The Feminine is the wholeness and relationship of emptiness and somethingness (form). In other words the Feminine is both, masculine, if one wants to conceptualize it, is simply an aspect of the Feminine. Just as woman/female is whole and gives birth to the man/male, so the Feminine is whole and gives birth to the masculine. The great tantric secret is "He is She." Thanks for contacting me today by email, Alyce!
Vajra Ma,
Thank you! I'm honored by your commentary here. I wrote this prior to my fibroid surgery, and so many things have become clearer to me since then. I feel and even 'think' differently about so much of this.
I believe what you say "He is She" to be truth, even if I have only a partial understanding of it. I'm following my inner path, a labyrinth toward the heart's center, and that is where She resides.
I knew this group wasn't 'ready' to go before, but after my healing from the surgery, it began to coalesce, and this afternoon it has all come together, in part thanks to you.
My inner focus is a quote of yours, and this pic by Sunshine Miller called "Prying Open the Third Eye." The quote is the one from We'Moon-
We are the ones who stand at the pivotal point of human evolution. We are the light-bringers, the retrievers and integrators of the fertile darkness. We are the weavers of peace in a frayed world of fear, greed and violence, the visionaries who have come to see the whole in the midst of the scattered fragments. We are the ones who have come to call ourselves home.
– excerpt Vajra Ma 2006
If I have your permission, I will make a copy to share with the girls tonight, along with the picture.
Thank you for your presence, and teachings that bring healing to the world, and to a small group of women gathering tonight who are ready to explore our inner feminine landscape.
Blessings and Love!
Hi Alyce
You cited Michael Mantas: “I can see how [from the masculine perspective] it would be easy to believe that Nothingness is more valid that Somethingness (Womb).”
I think this is significant. It seems to me that the purpose of “wu” emptiness, and “xu” emptiness in Laozi and Zhuangzi is to clear the mind of dogmatic views. An example of this, ironically, would be to insist on an ontological/dogmatic interpretation of emptiness. This would also be to privilege heaven (tian) over the person (ren) To privilege the transcendent over the immanent.
In the Blue Cliff Record, this emptiness/openness is kuo 廓
When Bodhidharma saw the Emperor Wu of the Liang dynasty, the Emperor asked, “What is the Holy ultimate truth?”
The Bodhidharma answered. “Openness. Hold nothing Holy!”
Openness is symbolized by the valley (womb) in Laozi.
By the way, thanks for the feedback on my facebook post. And I am glad to hear you will do more writing here on this blog.
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