Monday, December 21, 2009
We bring ourselves to the Feast
We can only ever bring to the world
what we were given...
be it fear, or love, or pain.
But until we soften our gaze and see through the eyes of honor;
open our heart and feel through devotion,
awaken our mind through consciousness and
learn to dwell in the wisdom pool of the soul,
it will only ever be someone else's offering.
There is no getting it "right",
there is only what you choose to bring.
We sit at the table of the Gods,
and we are the feast.
Friday, December 11, 2009
The Pregnant Void- A womb-time journey
In my own life, I am trying to heal my womb, and this picture speaks deeply to me. I am exploring the different faces of the goddess each day in order to better understand and step into my own feminine power, rather than wielding my inner masculine power, which I was taught and mistakenly believed, was stronger. I grew up with a feminist mother whose own damaged mother crushed and repressed her feminine, so I had to learn from the beginning. And so began my healing journey to explore my matrilineal and ancestral wounding.
There tends to be, in our society, a distinct lack of understanding and appreciation of the principle energies of both sexes. I see both needing reverence rather than denigration. The honoring of the other is what I see missing in many relationships between the masculine and feminine (both within and without).
I believe that both men and women can become polarized due to our different understanding (or misunderstanding) of our own energies and a lack of acceptance of those that differ from our own truth and experience.
I see that religion and even many of the teachings of spirituality have been geared towards the masculine need for emptiness, which is not necessarily the best way for women to learn, because they come from and return to fullness. The void is not empty, but pregnant with possibility. I am learning this is in my quest for healing.
As my friend Michael Mantas put it, “I can see how [from the masculine perspective] it would be easy to believe that Nothingness is more valid that Somethingness (Womb).
For the Archetypal Masculine the Math of Spirituality is expressed as 0 + 0 = 0.
For the Archetypal Feminine the Math of Spirituality is expressed as 1 + 1 = 1.
One is rational, one is intuitive. But rational does not equal heartlessness, and intuition does not equal invalidity.”
As a result of my own explorations, and my own re-emerging feminine, I'm beginning a group of spiritual exploration and focus from the feminine perspective. It will begin as a women's group, but men who have come to a point of emptiness and wish to embrace their inner feminine might be included later, as well.
I don’t have an agenda other than calling forth and fully embracing our own divine feminine within. Exploring our feminine energy and gathering in support with a definite spiritual focus utilizing meditation, journeying and guided energetic practice techniques. This circle will begin meeting at my Doylestown office in late January or early February during the time of Imbolc or Brighid’s Day.
Because my own beliefs and healing work are earth based and influenced by lunar cycles, these will inform my facilitation. People of all faiths and belief systems are welcome. All I ask is that you come with an open mind, and an open heart.
Anyone interested can contact me by email at, fb message, or snail mail at Ascentuals 26 E. Swamp Rd Suite E, Doylestown PA 18901.