What I am is a reader of patterns. A seer of patterns.
I recognize them not through sight, for I am not visual, but through site. I intuit them. I feel them. I locate them. I speak them. I move with them. I become one with them. I love them, forgive them, release them.
Simple, really. Beautiful and perfect in absolute simplicity.
It is what I do, but not who I am.
What I am not is a healer, though many people will tell you that I am. Many things have been healed in my presence; blood clots, TMJ, traumatic injury on many levels, kidney stones, ancestral disease (DNA linked illness), diseases of the spleen, gallbladder and liver, and many other things. I did not heal them, though I was present through the process. As a witness to healing through the divine love within all of us.
Many people wish to see me as a mystic. And maybe that is true for them. Some are surprised that I can see the patterns they hold so close to themselves, the things that they use to shape themselves and to cover up who they really are. Then they assign to me some sort of unwarranted and unnecessary status.
I find that most people prefer to give credit for their miracles to a source other than themselves; a God that exists somewhere outside of who they are. They can easily recognize divinity outside themselves, but not within. So they recognize their healing, but not that it came from within them. Most people do not long for or understand that sort of power, so they never discover it tucked away inside themselves. So they make me their healer. Their mystic. Their seer. Their God.
But that is not what I am, though I feel divinity in every fiber of my being. What I am is their mirror. Someone to hold love for them in a created, sacred space of caring until they can see the truth for themselves. Until they can come to love what they are, and who they are. A flawed and perfectly beautiful part of humanity.
So who I am changes based on how each individual person sees me. How I see myself, label myself changes constantly as well. But not what I am.
It is a never-ending quest to find oneself. As soon as I find who I am, it shifts. When I think I know who I am, it becomes something other. Who I think I am limits me, and who I am at any moment may do so as well. Who I am constricts me and my completely divine and limitless potential. And I become more aware of this as I recognize my own patterns.
Tonight, I released my fear. After years of looking for and chasing after the elusiveness of who I am, I have come to understand not who, but what I am.
What I AM is love. We are all love, and exist through love. That is the pattern at the root of everything that is, whatever you want to call it, or label it. It is universal and vast...ever changing and yet constant. It surrounds us and envelops us all of the time. It is omnipresent. It simply is.
And your very existence is the testament of that love. You are loved simply because you exist, and can be nothing but love.
Because of who I am, I now know what I am.
And today, in this moment, I am free.
1 comment:
not so fast...ongoing freedom has an ongoing price...
'LOVE'...matter of perception...all words are...love is merely a word...to be seen any which way one chooses to...who is the authority on any word??? Bible, Quran, Gita...??? We humans create words and then play with them to prove a point or to communicate what resonates with us...our truth...because it resonates with us we start thinking of it as the divine truth...is it? I am playing with words right now to make my point...is my ego at play too...it always is...as long as it is not destructive, I am OK with it...but just like you, I am playing with words...a sharp mind is able to make a case with words...but does sharpness of mind constitutes wisdom??? Why do I talk...I am obviously lacking the wisdom and this makes me indulgent to make a point???
I respect you for who you are...but due to the lack of my own wisdom and internal strength, I question you...why do you write what you feel as if it is 'the truth' VS 'your truth'?
I feel love...love resonates with me, but is love everything??? What if I made a case and came to the conclusion that 'Joy' or 'Peace' is everything???
I am an utterly confused yet in my own eyes, evolved man who has many questions...and as I look for answers I find more questions...they keep me busy and every once in a while I experience a little sense of euphoria when I get bits and pieces of clarity on one of my questions...and that keeps me going on this path I call soul-searching...
Writing this, my ego has completely taken over me...yet I would like to come across as a humble man...that is what I desire...but the only way I have found so far to be humble is to shut the F-up...quieten my tongue and my mind...and I may some day attain a bit of humility...
love, joy, peace...
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