Sunday, February 24, 2008

Being sick sucks...

...especially when you have to cancel a first date for your favorite meal (brunch) with a great guy that you've been looking forward to all week.

Seriously crappy.

Contracted some kind of (what I can only term as 'evil') bug. I started out fighting, did all the vitamins/herbs/hot mineral baths/detoxifying treatments/hot tea/essential oils/soup/extra sleep/trying to finish up 'old' unfinished emotional business, but it crept up and grabbed me in my entirety today.


Woke up with a fever, bloodshot, watery eyes, a completely clogged but draining on one side (wtf?) head, a lovely new cough and intestinal distress. And strangely, I'd been feeling better at work just yesterday. Go figure.

Today I gave in to the western medical approach, and took a self-made cocktail of ephedrine, guaifenesin and ibuprofen. I'm still quite dopey, but there is a new buzzing in my body, so I'm just trying to enjoy the high. {grin}

So since I'm now speeding my face off, I decided to update my blog with pleasant memories of the past week or so, and things I like.

If anyone out there has any other get-better-quick remedies, please feel free to pass them on. I can use the help today. ;)

Love to All.

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