5 of Water
Sometimes opportunity presents itself through limitation, perhaps a painful or challenging situation. Though we may feel disappointment that things didn't turn out the way we'd wished them to, it is always within our power to choose a different response to a tough situation.
The first step to doing this is to become aware of our response, and the underlying emotion behind it. Bringing your attention and awareness away from an outside event, and back to yourself, allows you to become fully present within the situation. When we are present focused, we become aware of how and what we are feeling; how our belief system has conditioned us to respond to particular stimuli.
For example, say you've just spent a loving, romantic and intense weekend with someone you adore. They tell you they love you, and are aware they want something more. Depending on what you want, and what your 'story' is will depend on how you respond. If you are feeling the same way, and are open to accepting that love in your life, you might be elated. If you, despite your feelings are not ready, you may feel sad or pressured. Your immediate response will always be based on your previous experiences. If you have a lack of trust within relationships, you may be triggered by this, and all the love in the world won't stop you from going into that emotional space of fear and disappointment. It is only the understanding and acceptance of what your story is that can free you from creating the exact situation you are trying so desperately to avoid.
In my life romantic life, I'm focused on 'being' love, and creating a lifetime partnership. I know, at 41, who'd have guessed it? ;)
But due to a recent situation (see above), I've had to look at my own 'story', and check in with myself about what the mirror is for me. This week I've used a wonderful program called SleepWork created by a dear teacher and mentor to me, Victoria Pendragon. This helps me to more objectively look at my emotional response and release or integrate the story around it.
There are many way to do this, and tapping into the energy around us is always helpful in giving us an 'outside' perspective, while still honoring our inner knowing.
I often pull a tarot card to help me do that. My 'story' today is disappointment. Grief. The 5 of Cups. The wrapping of oneself up in sadness, and crying over the blood spilled and effort expended in the past, rather than looking at what has been gained, what remains and what is still to emerge. And once again, in her uncanny way, Lunaea Weatherstone has literally captured the situation and brought a reading to this card that is a perfect fit for me.
Disappointment- 5 of Water
An indulged and spoiled little princess sits beside a pool tossing her golden ball. Losing control of it, she watches helplessly as it flies out of reach and into the water. And the frog watches, knowing the whole story is about to change, for he is the Frog Prince, and the dropped ball is his ticket to bliss. Hers too, though she doesn't know it yet. All she feels is disappointment at the loss of her toy. Remember to look at the whole story, rather than getting caught in the loss of momentary happiness... there are things still to be revealed.
So...today I am recognizing that previous loss, and the limitation in one situation is also the bringer of opportunity in another. And in being present within this awareness, I will be open and clear to meet and accept that opportunity with an open heart and mind.
So bring it on. :)
Many Blessings to All.
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