Saturday, January 28, 2012


photo-- Dana Levy-Wendt

When you are crying, cry.
When you are flailing, flail.
When you are lost, sit and be still.
When you are in a tempest, let go.
Don't let anyone tell you how; you already know.

You can only be where you are.
So be there,
In the best way you know how.
That is enough, for now.

There will be a candle lit,
for when you find your way home.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Medicine for the Heart

Mexican spiritual heart with angel wings © Miroslaw Oslizlo

The heart in its wisdom
leads us;
At times with a gentle nudge
or with a bit and reins.

Nothing you've done
has led to this.

This isn't about the 'you' that does.
It's about the 'you' that IS.

No one is always happy.
Look at the false smiles
and desperate busyness
all around you.
So many others,
forlorn of simple kindness
and attention; "SEE ME!"
They hide the lie
even from themselves.

Medicine for the heart
can wear a thousand faces.

The heart of stone and water
knows this truth,
in its cold, still deep.

The heart of fire and wind
knows this,
whipped into frenzy
at the merest touch.

The heart within you
knows this, as well
and wishes to share a secret--

There is a gift to being contented
with one's life...
even with hell outside
the door,
and a raging storm within.

Your heart,
an ever-shifting cauldron
of movement and yearning,
calls you home
in every moment.
If only you will be still, and listen.

Can you hear the fluttering of its wings?